Welcome to the website of the International Stud Book Committee, the body which establishes the standards by which all Thoroughbred Stud Books agree to operate. The ISBC came into being in 1976 (originally as the “International Stud Book Conference”) and has continued to meet each year since then to discuss matters of global Thoroughbred Stud Book operation.
There are currently 68 Approved Stud Books worldwide, all of which belong to an ISBC Regional Body.
Continually monitor, review and improve standards for operating and maintaining a Thoroughbred Stud Book through the Requirements and Guidelines for Gaining and Maintaining Approval as a Thoroughbred Stud Book and the relevant Articles of the IABRW.
Monitor, review and improve standards for breeding, identification and international movement of Thoroughbred horses to facilitate the international trade of Thoroughbreds for breeding and competition.
Ensure awareness of the use of future technologies (e.g. gene-doping, gene-therapy) and their potential effects on the integrity of the Thoroughbred, and to determine guidelines for their application.
Work closely with emerging Stud Book Authorities to ensure that they meet the required standards of Stud Book procedures for ISBC Approval as a Thoroughbred Stud Book.
Build stronger relationships between Stud Book communities and between all Approved Stud Books worldwide.
Encourage the timely and accurate publication of annual Thoroughbred foal crop records and to ensure circulation to all Approved Stud Books worldwide.